By Corrine Kenner at the Haunted Antique Shop.
Contrary to popular belief, astrology is not fortune-telling, and the planets don’t determine your future.
Astrology is the study of the planets as they move through the signs of the zodiac and the houses of a horoscope chart. It’s a symbolic way to understand your gifts and talents, as well as your opportunities for growth.
The images and symbols of astrology are based in myth, metaphor, legend, and lore. The language of astrology is rich and lyrical, and the art of chart interpretation is a philosophical framework for understanding your life’s journey.
If you’d like an astrology consultation, click here to schedule an appointment.
In the meantime, consider the words of Dante Alighieri, Italian poet and philosopher:
“A greater force, a better law there is
Which forms your minds and freely you obey;
No power the stars have over you in this.”
About the Author
Corrine Kenner is an author, astrologer, certified tarot master, and owner of the Haunted Antique Shop and Paranormal Museum. She earned a degree in philosophy from California State University, Long Beach. Click here to schedule a reading with Corrine.